cadiaN discusses RMR format: “I’m not sure if the five best teams from NA made it through”

After Liquid’s consecutive losses to FURIA and Complexity in the Americas RMR, resulting in their failure to qualify for the PGL Copenhagen Major, the team’s in-game leader, cadiaN, spoke to the media following their defeat.

cadiaN discusses RMR format: "I'm not sure if the five best teams from NA made it through"

Q: This is Liquid’s first Major miss in almost eight years. What went wrong against Complexity?

A: We played Inferno pretty well. But there were moments where we got messy, our communication was all over the place. Overall, I think we played Inferno well, especially on the attack. On Anubis, losing those pistol rounds kind of deflated us.

On Anubis, we had some good trades as the attackers, but we spread out too much and didn’t coordinate our pushes properly. We didn’t score many points, so that was rough. Then, on defense, we didn’t even manage to recompose ourselves, and Complexity was just playing better than us.

Q: After the previous European roster experiment failed, many viewed this current lineup as a super-team with high expectations. What does it take to become that super-team? More time? Roster adjustments? A reassessment? Your thoughts?

A: That’s a great question. Nobody’s happy with our performance in this event and some previous qualifiers, so it’s hard to say. Right now, I’m emotional; we just lost the game. It’s difficult for me to answer this. But if I had the perfect solution, we wouldn’t be standing here. Honestly, I don’t know what the answer is.

Q: Regarding the format, the Americas RMR system has received a lot of criticism, particularly the double-elimination and seed ranking aspects. What’s your take on it?

A: No disrespect to FURIA and Complexity, but I do believe that if you can’t beat these two teams, you’re not going to do anything at the Major anyway. Of course, the format isn’t ideal. Losing one BO1 puts you on the brink of elimination instantly, which doesn’t make sense. There should be a better way to determine the top few, because I’m not sure if we’ve selected the five best teams from NA to go to the Major.

cadiaN discusses RMR format: “I’m not sure if the five best teams from NA made it through”. Author:Sports UEFA.Please indicate the source when reproduced:

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