Hope your weekend is filled with laughter! The Rockets’ official account shares training photos: Sheppard, Jeff Green, and Sengun in the pictures

Hope your weekend is filled with laughter! The Rockets' official account shares training photos: Sheppard, Jeff Green, and Sengun in the pictures

On September 23, the Rockets’ official account shared team training photos today, featuring Sheppard, Jeff Green, and Sengun.

The Rockets captioned: Hope your weekend is filled with laughter!

Hope your weekend is filled with laughter! The Rockets' official account shares training photos: Sheppard, Jeff Green, and Sengun in the pictures

Hope your weekend is filled with laughter! The Rockets' official account shares training photos: Sheppard, Jeff Green, and Sengun in the pictures

Hope your weekend is filled with laughter! The Rockets' official account shares training photos: Sheppard, Jeff Green, and Sengun in the pictures

Hope your weekend is filled with laughter! The Rockets’ official account shares training photos: Sheppard, Jeff Green, and Sengun in the pictures. Author:Sports UEFA.Please indicate the source when reproduced:https://www.sportsuefa.com/basketball-headlines/49693.html

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