Media Personality: Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team to Receive a Cooperation Contract Worth Millions from Liaoning Provincial Sports Lottery

Media Personality: Liaoning Men's Basketball Team to Receive a Cooperation Contract Worth Millions from Liaoning Provincial Sports Lottery

On September 27, according to the media personality @FuZhenhaoMVP, the Liaoning men’s basketball team will receive a cooperation contract worth 5 million yuan from the Liaoning Provincial Sports Lottery.

The details are as follows:

The Liaoning men’s basketball team will receive a cooperation contract worth 5 million yuan from the Liaoning Provincial Sports Lottery. Today, the Liaoning Provincial Sports Lottery announced a single-source procurement intention plan; in October, it will procure the brand promotion cooperation project of the Liaoning men’s basketball team. At that time, the Liaoning basketball team will provide 16 promotional services including home game advertisements for the Liaoning Sports Lottery.

Looking back over the past few years, it is very common for provincial and municipal sports bureaus to subsidize CBA clubs by procuring sports lottery promotion services. In recent years, the Jilin men’s basketball team and Guangzhou Long-Lion have both received single-source procurement contracts from their local sports lotteries. As is well known, the sports lottery centers in various regions are public institutions under the jurisdiction of each province and city, and are one of the main sources of funds controlled by the sports bureaus. Since the CBA is still in its early stages of professionalization, most clubs find it difficult to achieve profitability through independent operations and require various forms of support and subsidies from local sports bureaus.

Media Personality: Liaoning Men's Basketball Team to Receive a Cooperation Contract Worth Millions from Liaoning Provincial Sports Lottery

Media Personality: Liaoning Men's Basketball Team to Receive a Cooperation Contract Worth Millions from Liaoning Provincial Sports Lottery

Media Personality: Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team to Receive a Cooperation Contract Worth Millions from Liaoning Provincial Sports Lottery. Author:Sports UEFA.Please indicate the source when reproduced:

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