Riyadh Masters Group Stage Report: Smooth Sailing as Spirit Draws with GG

Match Overview:

In the first game, both teams maintained a close economy during the laning phase. However, once the laning phase ended, GG’s signature fast-push system, led by Chen, kicked into gear, overwhelming Spirit on all three lanes without giving them any chance to fight back. Continuous offensive pressure left Spirit gasping for air, and in just 33 minutes, GG secured their victory with a 30k gold lead.

The second game saw a similar laning phase, with no significant economic disparity between the two teams. But this time, after the laning phase concluded, it was Spirit that found their rhythm, relentlessly attacking GG without allowing them any breathing room. As they entered the mid-game, Spirit capitalized on GG’s mistakes, sweeping across the map and maintaining suppression. Eventually, they secured the final victory with the help of an Aegis assault.

Game One

Dire – GG Radiant – Spirit

Riyadh Masters Group Stage Report: Smooth Sailing as Spirit Draws with GG

Lane Matchups: Top lane saw Disruptor + Puck against Nyx Assassin + Phoenix, mid lane featured Puck versus Kardel, and the bottom lane had Ogre Magi + Chen against Dark Seer + Earthshaker.

At the one-minute mark, Earthshaker hooked a creep, leading to first blood. Soon after, Dark Seer managed a double kill in a 1v2 engagement! At the end of the laning phase, the gold difference was negligible, with GG enjoying a slight 1k lead. By the 10:30 mark, GG gathered all five members to take out a tower in the top lane in one swift move.

At 12 minutes, GG launched another offensive, killing both support heroes in the mid lane and breaking the tier one tower. GG then accelerated, taking down the tier two towers in the mid and top lanes. At 16:10, Ogre Magi acquired the Heart of Tarrasque. At this point, GG’s gold advantage had grown to 6k.

At 18 minutes, Ogre Magi tried to push high ground with the Aegis but was immediately killed by a set of skills from Spirit. After respawning, GG retreated.

In the following moments, GG waited for the Aegis while hunting enemies and maintaining map control, leaving Spirit with no choice but to farm safely. At 27:10, Ogre Magi acquired the Aegis again. At this point, GG’s gold lead stood at 17k.

At 28:30, GG attempted to push the bottom high ground. Nyx Assassin jumped into the crowd and was focused down by GG. Dark Seer countered with a Wall of Force, aided by Kardel’s Ultrasound, saving Nyx Assassin. After exchanging skills, neither side lost a hero, and Ogre Magi jumped in with his Ethereal Blade but was countered by Kardel’s BKB, blowing wind and Magnetic Storm, along with Orchid Malevolence, which took out Ogre Magi’s first life, barely holding off the barracks.

Riyadh Masters Group Stage Report: Smooth Sailing as Spirit Draws with GG

At 30:30, Puck in the top lane initiated on Nyx Assassin; Disruptor’s ult brought everyone together, directly killing Nyx Assassin. GG then proceeded to break the top high ground. At 32 minutes, GG continued pushing, and despite Spirit’s valiant resistance, the massive gold disparity made their efforts futile. After Nyx Assassin and rebuy Dark Seer were killed, Spirit conceded defeat by calling GG.

Game Two

Dire – Spirit Radiant – GG

Riyadh Masters Group Stage Report: Smooth Sailing as Spirit Draws with GG

Lane Matchups: Top lane saw Disruptor + Puck against Chaos Knight + Wraith King, mid lane featured Sand King against Kardel, and the bottom lane had Phantom Lancer + Satyr Soulstealer against Bristleback + Squirrel.

At the end of the laning phase, the gold totals for both teams were almost identical, with GG leading in kills 6-4. At 10:40, GG’s Kardel led a surprise attack on Phantom Lancer in the bottom lane. Spirit provided timely support, resulting in a 1-for-1 trade between Kardel and Phantom Lancer. However, Bristleback, with his ultimate active, took out Puck first. On the other side, Spirit’s team focused and killed Chaos Knight. Finally, Bristleback, with his ultimate expiring, was also taken down, resulting in a 2-for-3 exchange for Spirit.

Riyadh Masters Group Stage Report: Smooth Sailing as Spirit Draws with GG

At 12 minutes, Spirit found their rhythm in the mid lane, killing Kardel. They then rushed into the ancient area to secure two waves of creeps before capturing Squirrel in the bottom lane wild area. This series of aggressive moves gave Spirit a 3k gold advantage.

At 17:30, after killing Chaos Knight and Squirrel in the top lane, Spirit proceeded to take the Aegis, with Phantom Lancer acquiring the Heart of Tarrasque.

At 19:30, Sand King stunned Bristleback, triggering an imminent team fight. Chaos Knight’s Orchid Malevolence dealt a full combo of skills, taking out Disruptor instantly. However, the Bloodstone Sand King unleashed devastating AoE damage, working alongside Phantom Lancer to eliminate Chaos Knight and Wraith King. Finally, Kardel, having exhausted his skills, was also taken out, followed by Bristleback upon the expiration of his ultimate. Spirit completed a 1-for-4 exchange, with their gold lead now at 8k.

Riyadh Masters Group Stage Report: Smooth Sailing as Spirit Draws with GG

At 21:50, Sand King once again caught Bristleback near the Dire Roshan pit. With Disruptor’s ult, Spirit’s team converged, breaking GG’s bottom high ground.

At 26:50, four members of Spirit initiated a fog of war and captured GG’s dual supports in the Radiant triangle area. Disruptor then coordinated with Sand King to catch Kardel in their jungle. Finally, Sand King trapped Squirrel in the far ancient area on the Radiant side, forcing Bristleback to use his ultimate. Spirit’s relentless assault allowed them to dismantle GG’s mid high ground, completely stunning GG.

At 29:20, Phantom Lancer acquired the Aegis. At 30 minutes, Phantom Lancer led the charge to push GG’s last high ground. Sand King and Disruptor wreaked havoc with their arena spells on GG’s high ground. After being broken on three fronts, Chaos Knight, Kardel, Wraith King, and Bristleback fell in succession, prompting GG to concede defeat promptly.

Riyadh Masters Group Stage Report: Smooth Sailing as Spirit Draws with GG

Riyadh Masters Group Stage Report: Smooth Sailing as Spirit Draws with GG. Author:Sports UEFA.Please indicate the source when reproduced:https://www.sportsuefa.com/esports-express/20652.html

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