Croatian Rhapsody’s Prelude! National Goddess Noor from the Croatian Team Sents a Passionate Kiss from the Stands

Croatian Rhapsody's Prelude! National Goddess Noor from the Croatian Team Sents a Passionate Kiss from the Stands

A photographer captured the moment before the Croatia vs Italy match when renowned Croatian football fan Noor shared a heartfelt kiss in the stands, adding an emotional touch to the anticipation of whether it could inspire Croatia’s rhapsodic performance.

Croatian Rhapsody's Prelude! National Goddess Noor from the Croatian Team Sents a Passionate Kiss from the Stands

Croatian Rhapsody's Prelude! National Goddess Noor from the Croatian Team Sents a Passionate Kiss from the Stands

Croatian Rhapsody's Prelude! National Goddess Noor from the Croatian Team Sents a Passionate Kiss from the Stands

Croatian Rhapsody's Prelude! National Goddess Noor from the Croatian Team Sents a Passionate Kiss from the Stands

Croatian Rhapsody’s Prelude! National Goddess Noor from the Croatian Team Sents a Passionate Kiss from the Stands. Author:Sports UEFA.Please indicate the source when reproduced:

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