Shearer: How to End Your Career Is a Worldwide Dilemma – I Admire Ronaldo’s Restlessness

Shearer: How to End Your Career Is a Worldwide Dilemma – I Admire Ronaldo's Restlessness

Ronaldo topped the Euro 2024 shots chart but failed to score, drawing criticism. Legendary striker Alan Shearer discussed “Ronaldo’s body battling his pride” in his latest column, and here is an excerpt:

How did you feel watching Portugal that night? Were you shouting at the TV because this aging star still hogged the spotlight? When he strikes that pose and sprints up for a free-kick – now a goal every 60 attempts in major tournaments – did you scream, “For God’s sake, give someone else a chance!” When he missed the penalty, tears streaming down his face; when he gave it his all, redemption just out of reach… Did you respect his resilience, pity his age, or marvel, muttering, “Why him again?”

I saw a lion, an old lion, scarred but clinging onto its pride’s leadership with claws dug deep.

Yes, Ronaldo is grandiose, petulant, strutting as ever. Even if his game isn’t as captivating as before, and there’s vulnerability in his anger at this twilight phase, there’s beauty and grandeur too.

I won’t delve into technical analysis or compare myself to Ronaldo. But I understand the psychology. When it comes to ending your career, I consider myself an expert. At some point, one must decide when to leave, and I know that mindset – your mind still believes you’re superhuman, but signs increasingly suggest otherwise.

In my three seasons at Blackburn (aged 32-35), I scored 31, 34, and 31 goals in the Premier League, feeling invincible. Yet after each match, limping to the bathroom in the middle of the night, back stiff, ankles swollen, I’d grumble, “Bloody hell, not fun anymore.”

Eventually, I became a different player. My mind remained the same, but my performance didn’t. I lost pace. I knew where to go but took longer getting there. So, Sir Bobby Robson had me defend more. I once complained, “At my age, why do I have to cover these bloody set-pieces?” Football turned into a chore because I preferred scoring. But inevitably, as a different player, you serve the team, which is my main gripe with Ronaldo.

Ronaldo’s movements are still impressive, and I admire his hunger, desire, and passion. His bravery to step up first in a penalty shootout… How can you not admire his attitude and courage? But he can’t be as dominant as before. He must recognize that the team comes first.

I’m not saying Ronaldo should retire – only he can make that call – and he can still contribute. However, his decline is evident. Ideally, it’s better to leave the stage before others demand it, though acknowledging that is easier said than done.

Everyone’s journey is unique, maybe Ronaldo will play for five more years. But I’m sure he doesn’t want to become a laughing stock or a meme. You can see he’s striving to rebrand and position himself, even in challenging moments. I can only admire his resolve, albeit while shouting at him to let Bruno Fernandes take those free-kicks.

Even lions can’t outrun their shadows, but I like how Ronaldo turns, shrugs, pouts, shakes his head, and then keeps running.

Shearer: How to End Your Career Is a Worldwide Dilemma – I Admire Ronaldo’s Restlessness. Author:Sports UEFA.Please indicate the source when reproduced:

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