Donnarumma: Italy’s target is three wins in Euro 2024 group stage

Donnarumma: Italy's target is three wins in Euro 2024 group stage

Italy goalkeeper and captain Gianluigi Donnarumma has confirmed that the team’s objective is to win all three matches in the group stage of the 2024 UEFA European Championship.

Ahead of Saturday’s opening fixture against Albania, Donnarumma joined head coach Roberto Mancini for the mandatory pre-match press conference on Friday afternoon, with the game set to take place at Signal Iduna Park in Dortmund.

The Azzurri are the defending champions, having lifted the trophy in 2021 under Donnarumma’s custodianship, and this will mark the goalkeeper’s first major tournament as captain. He insisted that he doesn’t feel additional pressure, given the natural leaders within the squad, but pledged to offer his guidance to new team members.

Donnarumma said, “When you participate in such competitions, energy comes naturally. The spirit from three years ago is still there, and we’ll try to recreate those magical nights.”

“The captain’s armband? I’ll give my all; this team is ready, they don’t need my advice. Those who were there three years ago will tell the newcomers how to get to the end.”

“Albania? This is definitely our most attractive challenge. We have a tough group, and tomorrow’s match allows for no mistakes. They’re fast, skilled, and play well, so we can’t be at 70% or 80% tomorrow, it must be 100%. Then, we’ll take it one game at a time, but tomorrow’s match is crucial for moving forward in the group.”

“Albania is quick. We’ve seen some of their footage, they have players with great individual ability. We must be careful not to stretch ourselves too far, their counterattacks are good. We need to be united, very compact as a team. Games can be won instantly, in the first or last minute.”

“Without Bonucci and Chiellini, the big guys? It doesn’t change anything for me. There’s certainly added responsibility, but nothing really changes for me. This team has different leaders, and I’ll make myself heard, doing my best. The last Euros were fantastic, an unforgettable experience, but now we’re working on writing another chapter in the history books.”

Regarding whether Italy will play with a back three or four, he added, “It’s not about the formation, but how each player interprets their role. As a goalkeeper, it’s always the same. What matters is a tight, collaborative team that attacks and defends together. Nothing changes for me. Every team has its system, opponents will have different approaches, and the coach is very skilled at adapting to every situation. If we win tomorrow, it’s a significant step towards qualification, the first game is always crucial. We have a challenging group, and a win tomorrow would put us in a good position. If we don’t get points, it makes the next two games even more important. That said, the goal remains to get points and win all three matches.”

Donnarumma: Italy’s target is three wins in Euro 2024 group stage. Author:Sports UEFA.Please indicate the source when reproduced:

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