La Liga First Half: Aspas Scores and Misses a Penalty, Mingueza Scores, Celta Temporarily Leading Valencia

Key EventsIn the 14th minute, Valencia took the lead! Rafa Mir scored with an overhead kick in the confusion following a corner kick, and Lopez successfully avoided offside to head the ball into the net at close range. Celta 0-1 Valencia.In the 23rd minute, Celta equalized! Mingueza volleyed the ball from the right side with a 45-degree cross to the far post where he was unmarked, and he struck the ball into the top corner of the goal. Celta 1-1 Valencia.In the 28th minute, Celta took the lead! On a counterattack, Mingueza sent a straight pass down the center, Aspas received the ball and shot decisively into the goal. Celta 2-1 Valencia.In the 48th minute, Celta were awarded a penalty! Duro handled the ball inadvertently while heading it away, and the referee awarded a penalty which Aspas missed, his powerful left-footed shot was caught directly by Mamardashvili.Game ReportAt 1:00 on August 24, the second round of the 2024/25 La Liga season saw Celta host Valencia.In the 11th minute, Celta created an opportunity through stretching the play on both flanks, Sviedbergs’ volley after receiving a cross from the left was interfered with by a Valencia defender and lacked power.In the 19th minute, Correa dribbled past Mingueza on the right flank and broke into the box for a fierce right-footed shot from a tight angle that Villar saved brilliantly.In the 25th minute, Mingueza received a yellow card for a sliding tackle from behind on Gra.In the 26th minute, Aspas provided a through ball, Sviedbergs dribbled past Mosquera and pushed the ball with his left foot inside the box, hitting the side-netting.In the 43rd minute, Valencia’s counterattack created a threat, but Duro lost the best chance to shoot due to too much adjustment.

At halftime, Celta are temporarily leading Valencia 2-1.

Player Lineups

Celta Starting Lineup (3-4-3): 1-Villar; 16-Jalson; 24-Dominguez; 32-Galliano; 8-Bertran; 3-Mingueza; 25-Rodriguez; 30-Alvarez; 10-Aspas; 9-Duarte; 19-Sviedbergs

Substitutes: 13-Guaita; 26-Vidal; 22-Manquillo; 2-Stafylidis; 15-Edu; 5-Vilarino; 6-Moriba; 33-Sotelo; 17-Bamba; 7-Iglesias; 12-A. Gonzalez; 18-Duran

Valencia Starting Lineup (4-4-2): 25-Mamardashvili; 12-Correa; 21-Vazquez; 3-Mosquera; 24-Gacieirovski; 11-Rafa Mir; 18-PepeLuis; 16-Lopez; 8-Gra; 10-Almeyda; 9-Duro

Substitutes: 13-Dimitrievski; 34-Jimenez; 20-Fulkiere; 6-Gilamon; 5-Ozkar; 15-Torreira; 39-Abahassan; 32-Tex; 17-Gomez; 22-Lioja; 19-Mari; 27-Otovic

La Liga First Half: Aspas Scores and Misses a Penalty, Mingueza Scores, Celta Temporarily Leading Valencia. Author:Sports UEFA.Please indicate the source when reproduced:

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