Sweat and Joy Together – Unveiling the Charm of Qingpu District Tennis Association

A business owner from Taiwan, a fellow tennis enthusiast, once had to return to Taiwan for an election, but still made sure to come back for the year-end finals, as this was a competition he held in high regard. This passion and commitment are commendable and precisely what binds this community together, making it closer and warmer.

Sweat and Joy Together – Unveiling the Charm of Qingpu District Tennis Association

In this group, everyone finds their place. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, you’ll find like-minded companions here. They are the Qingpu District Tennis Association. Not only do Qingpu Tennis Association members compete against each other on the court, they also support one another in daily life and grow together. The intense competition during matches and the laughter that follows have become integral parts of their lives.

Qingpu used to be one of the districts with the weakest tennis foundations in Shanghai. Two decades ago, there were almost no indoor or semi-indoor courts; all were outdoors. Rain would frequently disrupt matches and events. Tennis enthusiasts were limited in number, and when organizing formal activities, they often had to borrow courts from other districts.

Sweat and Joy Together – Unveiling the Charm of Qingpu District Tennis Association

Under the leadership of President Gu De-xing, Vice President Wei Zhi-hua, Vice President Zhu Wen-zhong, and Secretary General Zhou Yuan, along with the collective efforts of association members, tennis in Qingpu has seen significant progress over the years. Currently, the growth rate and scale of the Qingpu Tennis Association’s membership excel among the 16 districts.

There are currently 265 registered members, a quarter of whom come from outside the district, with some even traveling from Pudong, Baoshan, and Fengxian to join the Qingpu Tennis Association. Members from neighboring cities like Suzhou, Zhejiang, and Jiaxing also participate in the association’s activities. Qingpu Tennis Association is hailed as having the most abundant and enjoyable events in Shanghai.

Abundant Activities and Frequent Tournaments

Weekly competitions, monthly tournaments, and year-end finals are the three main formats of Qingpu’s regular events. With a rich array of activities, more than 250 matches are held annually, attracting over 2,500 participants.

During the recent May Day holiday, the Qingpu Tennis Association held an exchange match with Changshu Tennis Association. Many other associations proactively contacted the association through their members, filling up the schedule with exchange matches. These events are open for registration, without level requirements, focusing purely on exchange.

Sweat and Joy Together – Unveiling the Charm of Qingpu District Tennis Association

The Qingpu Tennis Association holds fixed inter-district exchange matches every month. In the past, the association would actively invite other clubs to participate, but now, clubs from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai often initiate contact, as the reputation of Qingpu Tennis Association has spread. Many members reach out through personal connections or tennis circles, enriching the association’s activities and frequency.

Sweat and Joy Together – Unveiling the Charm of Qingpu District Tennis Association

Every year in the second half of the year, the association hosts the Yangtze River Delta Invitational Tournament in Qingpu. Last year, nine teams from nine cities, including Wuxi Tennis Association, Suzhou Tennis Association, Jiaxing Tennis Association, Jiashan, and Zhangjiagang Tennis Association, participated. The tournament has become an important event in the region, promoting the development and exchange of tennis.

The Qingpu Tennis Association team emerged as the champions in the team competition, providing more opportunities for members to engage with top players and different playing styles, expanding their social circle, and enriching their regular match activities.

Efficient Organization and Coordination

The Qingpu District Tennis Association’s tournament planning and preparation team currently consists of 28 members. During weekly competitions, the association rotates as the overall commander, with five commanders responsible for organizing and implementing all match-related tasks, including registration. For monthly tournaments, all members contribute, taking on roles such as medical support, logistics, service, refereeing, and point recording.

Sweat and Joy Together – Unveiling the Charm of Qingpu District Tennis Association

According to Secretary General Zhou, the association’s event organization and coordination involve tremendous workloads. Registrations for Wednesday’s five matches begin at noon, with spots filling up quickly. After registration closes, staff process all names, establish reserve lists, and set seeds for players.

On the day of the match, pairings are drawn in the afternoon, followed by the creation of electronic scorecards, arrangement of referees, and preparation of balls and other necessities. During the match, referees score and rank players, determining the top five. After the match, an online award ceremony takes place in the group, with electronic certificates created and points recorded for each member. Even small-scale matches require substantial work, let alone the five weekly matches, monthly tournaments, and other events.

Sweat and Joy Together – Unveiling the Charm of Qingpu District Tennis Association

The association is grateful for its volunteers who play various roles. Apart from tournament commanders, there is a public relations department responsible for promotion, members handling logistics, and a director overseeing discipline and coordination. The association also utilizes various mini-programs and free tools to assist with tasks like registration, draws, and point recording.

Sweat and Joy Together – Unveiling the Charm of Qingpu District Tennis Association

With the growing membership, a software developer and tennis enthusiast offered to develop a member management system for the association, automating tasks like registration and point tracking, improving overall management efficiency. The association’s tournament member management system is about to enter its 2.0 phase, further reducing the workload for volunteers and enhancing user experience.

Since its establishment, the Qingpu Tennis Association has strived to create a vibrant and warm tennis community through diverse activities and meticulous member management. It is not just a platform for tennis enthusiasts to hone their skills but also a home where they share their lives and build friendships.

Ceremonial Feelings and Sense of Belonging

The association has a unique approach to member management. When new members join, they fill out a detailed profile, including their tennis background, occupation, favorite tennis stars, memorable tennis experiences, and how they can help other members. These introductions facilitate mutual understanding among members and provide a foundation for finding common topics.

Upon a new member’s arrival, the group welcomes them warmly, with existing members expressing congratulations and encouragement. This ceremonial welcome makes new members feel included and strengthens the group’s cohesion.

Sweat and Joy Together – Unveiling the Charm of Qingpu District Tennis Association

In Qingpu Tennis Association, members are not just participants but also storytellers. The association regularly organizes events where members take turns sharing their tennis stories.

Some share how they fell in love with tennis unexpectedly and haven’t looked back since; others recount their competition experiences, both the triumphs and the lessons learned, which serve as valuable insights for fellow members; and some offer tips and equipment knowledge to help others improve their game and enjoy the sport more. These exchanges not only bring members closer but also make everyone feel like an essential part of the family.

Sweat and Joy Together – Unveiling the Charm of Qingpu District Tennis Association

The association periodically invites tennis experts, coaches, and even renowned players for lectures and training sessions. These events not only enhance members’ technical skills but also foster a deeper appreciation and passion for the sport. Through these interactions and learning, members not only progress technically but also mature mentally.

Weekly matches and monthly tournaments are the highlights of the Qingpu Tennis Association. These competitions not only test skills but also provide opportunities for friendship and physical exercise. Weekly matches take place at a fixed time

Sweat and Joy Together – Unveiling the Charm of Qingpu District Tennis Association. Author:Sports UEFA.Please indicate the source when reproduced:https://www.sportsuefa.com/tennis-hotline/12163.html

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